Forking Paths issue #2 (print)

Forking Paths issue #2 (print)


A print copy of Forking Paths issue #2, plus PDF downloads of the issue and a print-at-home set of maze tiles. Download links for the bundle are sent manually by me, so thanks in advance for your patience!

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This, the second issue: Lost in Dark Halls. The core of this 24-page digest-sized zine is Labyrinthine, a self-contained storygame inspired by Greek myth, for solo or group play. Using prompts on maze tiles, you’ll tell the story of a protagonist worthy of myth as they make choices and handle consequences. You won’t explore just one series of events from beginning to end, though: you’ll traverse many branches, returning to earlier decisions to make new choices and see how events play out from there. Labyrinthine supports one to four players, with a game length of one to three hours.

  • 52 maze tiles with unique prompts, falling into 6 types based on layout: Crosses, Branches, Halls, Turns, Ends, and Shrines

  • Alternate method of play using a deck of playing cards, using the keyed prompts

  • Card-based oracle for quickly generating protagonists (also available in handy digital form)

  • Overview of the classical myth of the Labyrinth, Minotaur, Theseus, and Ariadne (and exploration of the myth’s conflicting accounts)

  • Bundled download of standalone maze tile PDF ready for DIY printing

The two files are bundled together in a ZIP file. The zine’s cover and the bundled PDF of print-at-home maze tiles are in color; all other art and illustrations are in B&W. The PDF is in single-page layout format. Need it another way? Let me know!

Forking Paths is a project partially supported by my Patreon.

Forking Paths issue #2 (PDF) issue2_pdfpreview1.JPG

Forking Paths issue #2 (PDF)

Forking Paths issue #1 (print) May26_excerpt1.jpg

Forking Paths issue #1 (print)

Forking Paths issue #3 (PDF) 9FC17835-A506-4B2D-B6C3-9E9B37346E0C

Forking Paths issue #3 (PDF)

Forking Paths issue #3 (print) Zine #3 physical pamphlet.jpg

Forking Paths issue #3 (print)

Forking Paths issue #1 (PDF) Forking Paths issue #1 (color, single pages)_Page_06.jpg

Forking Paths issue #1 (PDF)
